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Import Auto to Canada - Recall Letter

List of Recall Contacts

A recall clearance letter is a document issued by the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of your vehicle that states whether or not there are any outstanding recalls on your vehicle. If you are not sure of what a recall is, simply put, it is a safety defect on your vehicle as a result of the original manufacturing process. The OEM is responsible for notifying the last known owner, and fixing the problem normally at their expense. It's best to obtain this information before you import the vehicle to avoid any unnecessary delays.

The letter must come from the OEM's head office and be written on official company letterhead, duly signed with the name and position of the official at the OEM clearly visible. If the manufacturer's logo is not on the letter it will not be accepted.

In some cases a printout from an authorized American dealer is acceptable. If you obtain a printout from an American dealer, you must ensure that they are an authorized dealer and not a re-seller. You can confirm this by calling the head office of the manufacturer and providing them with the location of the dealership in question

If the printout is from an authorized American dealership, the company stamp must be affixed to the printout. In either case, the 17 digit Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) of the vehicle in question must be included in the letter.

If your vehicle does not have any outstanding recalls then the letter should say "this vehicle has no outstanding recalls." This letter must be presented to the RIV department prior to your Vehicle Inspection Form being released.

If your vehicle does have a recall you will need to complete all repairs required. Once completed, the dealer will provide you with an invoice that contains the same work order number as your recall letter. You will then take the recall letter with the invoice from the dealer with you to your federal inspection as proof that the outstanding recall has been completed.

If you are importing a Motor home, Bus, Truck, Conversion Van or Limousine or any other vehicle that requires more than one manufacturer, you may require 2 recall letters. In some cases the final stage manufacturer may provide a recall clearance letter that also makes reference to the OEM recall information: In a case like this only one letter is necessary.

Normally, the recall letter from the final stage manufacturer will say "Please contact the chassis manufacturer for recall information". It is your responsibility to determine the number of recall letters that are necessary. The final stage manufacturer of your vehicle can assist with this.

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