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Import Racing Vehicles to the United States

Vehicle Importation Regulations for Racing Vehicles

A racing vehicle exclusion may be granted if a vehicle is determined by EPA to be incapable of safe and practical street and highway use because (1) it lacks features associated with safe and practical street or highway use, such features including, but not being limited to, a reverse gear (except in the case of motorcycles); that can not be installed relative to the value of the vehicle; or (2) it exhibits features which are not readily removed which render its use on streets and highways unsafe or impractical; a differential, or substantial safety features required by state and/or Federal Law. Anyone may import a racing vehicle without a Customs bond required by EPA: however, written EPA approval must be obtained before clearance at Customs.


Importation Requirements

*You must first receive EPA's approval. Not all vehicles used in races are excluded from emissions compliance. Determinations are based on the capability of the vehicle, not its intended use. Importer must submit the following information when applying:

  1. Importer's name, address, and daytime telephone number;
  2. Vehicle information (make, model, model year year and VIN);
  3. A list of racing feature (feature that make the vehicle a racing vehicle);
  4. A list of street features lacking (features that have been removed or have never been installed that would permit safe driving on streets and highways);
  5. At least 4 clear color photographs of the entire interior;
  6. The current value of the vehicle in US Dollars;
  7. Copy of a letter from the US Department Of Transportation (DOT) stating they have no objection to this vehicle being imported for racing;
  8. The name of the sanctioning body;
  9. Name of the racing series and a copy of racing license for that series;
  10. A schedule of racing events, including dates and locations where the vehicle will participate;
  11. A letter from a state's Department of Motor Vehicles explaining that the vehicle cannot be licensed for use on public streets or highways, and explains why it cannot be licensed.

*The importer must file with Customs, upon entry, an EPA form 3520-1 declaring code "L" in block 8 and attach the EPA letter of approval; and

*The importer should keep a copy of the EPA approval letter for future proof of EPA exclusion.

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