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Map and Driving Directions to CAN AM Auto Importers, Inc.



Our facility can only be accessed from the side entrance located at 230 Pullman Ave.

From the Peace Bridge: Exit the U.S. Customs warehouse to the left of the building. You will see a street running south of the bridge where most cars exit the Customs clearance booths. Take this street to the light and bear right. The 190 North entrance is the first right. Take the 190 North and exit at Sheridan Drive. Take a right at the bottom of the ramp and follow Sheridan for about a mile, go right at Military Road (Route 265). Heading South on Military the first light is Woodward Avenue, the next street is Pullman. Go Right on Pullman, take the 1st left into the parking lot. Approx. travel distance 5 miles.

From the Lewiston/Queenston Bridge: Take the 190 South over both Grand Island Bridges (toll). After crossing second bridge, take the 2nd exit at the route 290 East. Take the first exit at Elmwood Avenue. Go right at the bottom of the ramp. The first light is Military Road (route 265). Take a left on Military Road. The 1st busy intersection is Sheridan the next light after Sheridian is Woodward Ave. The first street after Woodward is Pullman. Take a Right on Pullman off of Military, and the 1st left into the parking lot. Approx. Travel distance 12 miles.

From both Interstate 90’s (New York and Erie): Take them to the end at Buffalo. Take the 290 west to exit Delaware Avenue South. Go South on Delaware to 1st busy intersection Sheridan Drive. Go Right on Sheridan Drive. Follow Sheridan West, at the second light take a left on Military (Route 265). Go South on Military. The first light is Woodward Avenue, the next street is Pullman. Go Right on Pullman take 1st left into parking lot. From the end of 90 NYC approx. 10 miles, from end of 90 Erie approx. 14 miles.


[ Yahoo! Maps ]
Directions to 1300 Military Rd
Buffalo, NY 14217-1531

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